Seed to Seed : Farmers Market Fridays

Three years ago we lived in the heart of the city and had come to enjoy the tradition of riding our family cargo bikes to the Farmers Market every Saturday morning. The girls were not yet two at the time, but still they loved toddling around, picking the weekly bouquet of flowers, and gobbling up as many berries as they could get their little fingers on. We were just learning what it meant to get acquainted with the local farmers and seasonal offerings, and I loved that our little girls were growing up to learn it right alongside us.

When we wandered just a bit outside the city for a slower life and a place to plant some seeds of our own, my dear Mr. Hackett built his sweet girls the perfect little Farmers Market right at home. It has been such a joy to watch their Farmers Market play mature in company with the garden. And this year they felt certain that they were ready to operate a real Farmers Market where they could sell things for real money.

Delighted by their idea I set straight away to help foster this vision. In order to keep things simple, attainable, and set an example for what they are capable to do without needing outside resources, we used only what we had on hand for any set up/styling (which really I had very little say in). And through it all, I think the whole thing came together in the most wonderful way.

The day before the market found with glad hearts as they set right off to work potting up strawberry plants, chamomile, fever, lemon balm, and chives. Sweet as is to watch them eagerly planning ways to earn money through their market, what really struck my heart the deepest was their pride in what we had grown. When they had finished placing each plant just so, arranging eggs and packaging seeds, their hearts were full and eager for others to come and enjoy that which means so very much to us all. As I watched their merry expressions glowing with gladness, I thought to myself, I know just the feeling my dear girls.

Maybe one day I’ll write more about all the ways this means so much more to me than just an opportunity for my little girls to earn some spending money. Because really this is all part of an intricate story of sacrifices, failed expectations, reckless enthusiasm, and everlasting hope. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems, not in my heart anyhow. But it may take me a whole life time to bring all those stories about. Until then, I hope you’ll enjoy this video I put together documenting their first Farmers Market Friday. It was a very special day for us all and I am exceedingly grateful to each dear friend who came out to support my little seed keepers (as Lucy has taken to referring themselves as) and their jolly little market. We are all looking forward to many more to follow.

Future market dates will be contingent on what we have available to offer and the enthusiasm of the little gardeners. In order to keep this endeavor fun for them, I will follow their lead on how often they are up to putting forth the effort and allowing breaks when needed. If you feel that you’d love to join us for an upcoming market, or perhaps Fridays are not ideal and you hope that we may offer another day, please reach out via the comments or you can always email me personally at

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